Visit Approval Approver Notification


This email is set to visit approvers to notify them of a new visit that has been registered that needs approval. This email will list the host that scheduled the visit as well as the visitors that the visit was scheduled for and a justification for the visit. If any visitors match watchlist subjects the visit a indication will be included in the email.



Single Visitor

    A visit has been registered by <b>@Model.HostFullName</b> for <b>@Model.VisitorFullName</b> which requires your approval. Please click <a href="@Model.Url">here</a> to review the pending visit, or copy and paste the following URL into your favorite browser:
@if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@Model.VisitJustification)) {
        <b>@string.Format("{0} {1}", "Visit Justification:", @Model.VisitJustification)</b>

@if(@Model.WatchlistWarning) {
    <p>The visitor might be on the watch list</p>

Group Visit

	A visit has been registered by <b>@Model.HostFullName</b> for 
	@foreach(var visitorFullName in @Model.VisitorsFullNames) {
        <b>@string.Format("<li>{0}</li>", visitorFullName)</b>
     which requires your approval. Please click <a href="@Model.Url">here</a> to review the pending visit, or copy and paste the following URL into your favorite browser:
	@if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@Model.VisitJustification)) {
        <b>@string.Format("{0} {1}", "Visit Justification:", @Model.VisitJustification)</b>
@if(Model.WatchlistWarning) {
    <p>@string.Format("{0}", "One or more visitors might be on the watch list")</p>

Razor Elements

Element Description
@Model.HostFullName The first and last name of the host
@Model.MissingApproverDetails The first and last name of the visitor
approverDetail The justification for the visit
@Model.Url The URL to the visit

{% notice warning %} It is strongly recommended that these elements be used as is with the only edits being to remove them if the information generated is not desired. {% /notice %}