Visit Cancellation


This email is sent when a visit is canceled



    Hello @Model.VisitorFullName
    @Model.HostFullName has canceled your visit to the @Model.HostCompanyName facility at @Model.BuildingAddress on @Model.VisitDate.
    <a href="@Model.UnsubscribeToEmailLink">Unsubscribe</a>

Razor Elements

Element Description
@Model.VisitorFullName The full name of the visitor
@Model.HostFullName The full name of the host
@Model.HostCompanyName The company the host is associated with
@Model.BuildingAddress The address associated with the building that the visit was to take place in
@Model.VisitDate The date the visit was supposed to take place on

{% notice warning %} It is strongly recommended that these elements be used as is with the only edits being to remove them if the information generated is not desired. {% /notice %}