User Defined Fields
GUEST > Configuration > User Defined Fields:
GUEST allows for an unlimited number of User Defined Fields (or custom fields) which can be assigned to the “Schedule Visit” and/or “Check-In” pages of the system. See the Screen Configuration section of this guide for more detail.
- To create a new User Defined Field, click on the “New” button.
- Name: Enter a name for the User Defined Field.
- Field Type: The following types are supported.
- Text Field: Allows for alphanumeric text entries. Supports validation of min/max length.
- Number Field: Allows for numeric entries only. Supports validation of min/max value.
- Text Area: Supports a large alphanumeric text entry. Supports validation of min/max length.
- Checkbox: Provides a checkbox which can be checked (selected) or un-checked (not selected).
- Date: Provides a date field.
- Time: Provides a time field.
- Date and Time: Provides a Date and Time field.
- Dropdown: Provides a dropdown field with values that can be selected. An optional Display Name can be entered for each item in the drop down list if required.
- Checkbox Group: Provides a group of checkboxes. One or more checkboxes can be selected at the same time. Depending on the boxes checked, specific values will be assigned to the Identity.
- Radio Group: Provides a group of radio buttons. Only one button can be selected at a time. A specific value is assigned to the Identity, depending on the specific radio button selected.
- Buttons: Provides a group of buttons that operate in the same way as radio buttons. Only one button can be selected at a time. A specific value is assigned to the Identity, depending on the specific radio button selected.
- Employee Picker: This field allows the user to select an existing user of the system from a drop down list. For example, a User Defined Field called “Escort” could be created, allowing the Host User to select an active user from the list as the “Escort” for the visit.
The screens below show a sample of all User Defined Fields in GUEST: