Calendar Integration


The Calendar integration allows for visits to be scheduled for recipients of meeting invite from web based calender applications. To accomplish this an email special email address must be included within the meeting invite. The system will try to match attendees to visitors based on there email address. When this can’t be done, depending on how the system is configured GUEST will either:

  • Do its best to determine the First Name, Last Name and Company for the identity and schedule the visit. This allows for visits to be scheduled without any addition steps.
  • Send a email to the host about an unknown visitor and provide them a link were they will be able to enter the information. The email link to be used can be found of the Dashboard of the Symmetry GUEST application, under Outlook / Gmail calendar integration.


In the GUEST > Configuration > System page under the Calendar Integration Settings heading, there are three settings that will affect how the calendar integration will work. These include:

  • Require the Host to enter all Visitor data when registering visitors via a Calendar Application - When checked the host will received an unknown visitor email if an attendee to the meeting cannot be matched up in IDM by there email address.
  • Filter Out Specific Email Domains - Any domains enter here will be filter out and not included as visitors. This will allow you to filter out domains of identities that may already be identities in the system that do not need to be added to the system as visitors.
  • Filter Out Specific Email Addresses - Any email addresses enter here will be filter out and not included as visitors. This will allow you to filter out domains of identities that may already be identities in the system that do not need to be added to the system as visitors.

Scheduling a Visit

To schedule a meeting using the calendar integration is the same as scheduling any meeting with your calendar application except for one additional step. In addition to needed attendees, you much include the email address obtained from the Outlook / Gmail calendar integration section of the Information dashboard widget.

That is all that is needed. When saving the invite, Symmetry GUEST will receive a copy and be able to begin to process the request.

If configured an Unknown Visitor email will send out

When doing any type of update to the meeting insure to include all recipients on the updates, other Symmetry GUEST will not received an update to process.

To make it easier to include, you can add a contact Named Symmetry Guest with the email address from the Outlook / Gmail calendar integration section of the Information dashboard widget.