Log into the NFS server. If you are running Ubuntu, use this command: sudo systemctl start nfs-server
If you are using RHEL, use this command: sudo systemctl start nfs
sudo systemctl status node1_elasticsearch
sudo systemctl start node1_elasticsearch
Since SQL Server is not configured or managed via the Connect & Guest install process, it is outside the scope of this document. However, it should be started after starting Elasticsearch and before starting Redis.
sudo systemctl status sentinel_26379
sudo systemctl start sentinel_26379
sudo systemctl status redis_6379
sudo systemctl start redis_6379
Once all Elasticsearch instances are active, move on to the next step.
sudo rabbitmqctl start_app
sudo rabbitmqctl start_app
Services | Replicas |
infrastructure_portainer_agent | 3 |
infrastructure_cadvisor | 3 |
infrastructure_prune | 3 |
infrastructure_alertmanager | 3 |
infrastructure_prometheus | 1 |
auth-web | 3 |
infrastructure_busybox | 3 |
cac-api | 3 |
cac-endpoint | 3 |
cac-web | 3 |
infrastructure_cerebro | 1 |
core-api | 3 |
core-endpoint | 3 |
exporter_elastic | 1 |
infrastructure_grafana | 1 |
idm-api | 3 |
idm-endpoint | 3 |
idm-web | 3 |
picfit | 3 |
portal-web | 3 |
public-api | 3 |
exporter_rabbitmq | 1 |
Exporter_redis | 1 |
registration-api | 3 |
registration-endpoint | 3 |
registration-web | 3 |
registry_api (offline only) | 1 |
root-web | 3 |
scheduler-endpoint | 3 |
exporter_sql | 1 |
sso-web | 3 |
symmetry-api | 3 |
symmetry-endpoint | 3 |
vms-api | 3 |
vms-endpoint | 3 |
vms-web | 3 |
If you shut down the services using the command line, go to the same directory where the previous commands were run. There should be a “amag_services” file there. Run the following command to start up all the services: cat amag_services | xargs -l docker service scale
It is advised at this point that you log into Connect/Guest and run through your organization’s primary workflows (e.g. create an identity for the new employee, login as the new employee, request/approve/process credential, request/approve access, generate reports, etc.).